Campers by Anaklusmos_Riptide

Campers by Anaklusmos_Riptide

Monday, June 21, 2010

Regarding the movie......

In my mind, the movie 'Percy Jackson and The Olympians: The Lighting Theif', wasn't very good.... it left out major plot points and Luke can't die if they're gonna do the second book into a movie! they left out Ares, the waterpark, Argus, the barn-awakining, the meeting of Hades (they had it in there it was just wrong) , and how hard it was to get to him. Anyway i do get that they had to minimize the awesomeness in order to get it to fit into two hours but i mean they could have done better. to all who agree or disagree, please speak up. i am open to discussion...

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